Legal notice
Plettenberg Elektromotoren GmbH & Co. KG
Rostocker Str. 30
34225 Baunatal
Geschäftsführer: Bastian Greiner
VAT-ID No: DE 297646255
Commercial register number: HRA 17432 (Handelsregister Abt. A Nr. 17432)
Commercial register court: Amtsgericht Kassel
Phone +49 (0) 56 01 / 97 96-0
Fax +49 (0) 56 01 / 97 96-11
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Errors excepted and subject to change.
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We accept no liability for damages on the basis of incorrect information or publications. The adoption, storage, duplication, reproduction or any other use of any kind whatsoever – including in extracts – is only permitted with written consent, with a clear indication of the source.
We disassociate ourselves from unlawful content on the basis of links within this website. We respect the privacy of our users and undertake to treat the personal data of our customers as confidential.
We shall not provide your address or customer data to other companies. We do not use any cookies, and no IP addresses or personal user profiles are saved.
The person responsible for the content, in accordance with Section 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG) is: Bastian Greiner
Tel: +49 (0) 56 01 / 97 96-0
Fax: +49 (0) 56 01 / 97 96-11